One thing that is really sticking with me from this movie is that we are getting more innovative and giving jobs to robots that we do not want to do anymore. We are putting ourselves out of jobs and we don’t even realize it. Robots started with taking simple jobs that were frankly just dangerous for us to do as humans, such as lifting very heavy objects or putting things into hot ovens or very cold freezers.

Jobs like that didn’t make a very big difference because a lot of the time those were specialized jobs that very few people could do. Now, there are more practical jobs being taken such as transportation jobs. Transportation work is everywhere, but with self driving vehicle coming on the rise, all those jobs that people were relying on to pay for their housing or feed their family is being taken by robots. As far as I know, robots don’t need to eat. However, I am hopeful that different jobs are going to show themselves in the future. If you look at jobs 100 years ago, more than half of those jobs got replaced with new jobs that are relevant to our generation now. Maybe that will continue to happen with the rise of our technology.